Monday, October 1, 2012

Hola!! Como estan familia!? Yo espero que su esta bien!

It is kinda crazy that it is already Thursday again. People have said that time in the MTC would go by fast, but I really didn't realize how fast it would feel. The day feels so long and I am so tired during the day, but when we go up stairs to our room it takes like 20 minutes for me to go to sleep! It is so weird!

Well I kept track of the goings on through out the last week so that I could actually remember come e-mailing time so here it goes.....
Last Thursday we went to the temple and did initiatories. It was a really great experience.
We met a new teacher that will be working with the new district, and she served with Hermana Reay (from our home ward) in the Dominican Republic! She was like, "Oh you were one of the girls that went down with them to pick her up!" That was pretty cool! She is VERY strict with the Elders, and whenever they get out of line she makes sure to put them in their place. Her Spanish is VERY fast as well, she did learn Dominican Spanish after all, so when I can understand her I feel pretty cool, like I can speak Spanish. :)
 I wrote down mom's, I just want to let you know that every time I get a letter from you it is EXACTLY what I am needing to hear. THANK YOU! I got my "sick" package! and I am feeling better! My teacher, Hermana Wetzel told my companion, who is also sick, and I that we should not go to gym time and rest so we can recover and that has been helping trumendously.
Mom, I LOVED the letter on Friday about the lady who served her mission in NYC that delivered at your hospital! It was such a great thing to learn! I CANNOT wait till I get experiences like hers!
We met our mission president's son! He is very cute and told us that the NYC North Mission is awesome! He is serving in Chile!
Saturday I got my first charlie horse here. It is still hurting but I've been rubbing it out. It was so crazy. I was just in bed and all the sudden my calf just siezed up! I was like "what do I do, what do I do?!" to my companions and they were like "just pray!"
We have this awesome Hermana that helps us in our class room named Hermana Platt. She served in Mcallen, Texas and is so kind and reassures us daily of our ability to learn Spanish. She gave us an awesome lesson about being the people of NYC life savers. That there are people out there that only we can bring unto Christ. And this is the reason we need to learn Spanish and that the Lord will always be there to help us.
On my list of things to write I think "Elders going crazy" appeared like 3 times. They just are boys, and it is hard to remember that. Most of the time we feel like their mothers telling them to focus. They are going to be great I already know by their testimonies. The other day I was talking to Hermana Richardson (my companion) and she was like, "I just love our Elders like a mom loves her baby!" We honestly have developed a motherly love for these boys. We got in a little tuffle last night about being on task, which is usually what our fights are about, but we all love each other. Okaayyy so there are these Elders, who well.... they don't look like they are even 19. We basically have the same schedule as them. The same gym, food, laundry, workshop.... we see them everywhere. Even as I write this one, who looks like Tom Cruise when he was young is RIGHT behind me. The other looks like, "chiseled from heaven." My companions and I are very thankful for the ability we have to admire them. It helps us to remember that somewhere out there is a hottie RM waiting to be our husband. So on Sunday I said the prayer in la Santa Cena (Sacrament meeting!) Lets just say all my Spanish left me as I got to the pulpit. There are probably only 45 members of our zone total, but only 6 are girls. My companions and I and the presidencies wifes. All the rest are Elders.
Hahahaha it was funny.... Grandpa Niel sent me a letter!! I was thinking about how grandpa told me that he was going to be coming to the MTC to give Patriarchal blessings at dinner then the loud speaker came on and called off missionaries names to go to the front desk and I thought, "Wouldn't it be funny if they called my name?" Then, to my surprise, they called it! I was like, "No way!" I was hoping to see him, but they called me to the front desk to pick up his letter. It was great to hear from him!!
The Brigham City Temple dedication was cool to watch too! I loved Elder Packers love for his wife! So cute! We had a Devotional last week from the guy who does the "I am a Mormon" ads. OH MY GOODNESS! The main place where they have hit the most is NYC! It was so crazy to see all of the ads ALL OVER NYC!! Hopefully this means we will get a lot of people contacting us!
We watched a rebroadcast of Elder Bednar's "How to receive the Spirit". It was really great because that is something that I feel that I had been struggling with. His words of advice were, "Don't worry about it. If you are doing all that you can to be good, your thoughts are probably on the right track so follow them." Also, I didn't know his wife was from Star Valley! Cool!
Every day my companions and I make goals to have so many contacts which is where we bear our testimonies in Spanish to them. It has been really good because now I am able to get out of my comfort zone. I've had like 20! On Monday our companion who has been struggling opened up. Hermana Richardson and I are really out going and when we teach our investigators, she is more reserved and only says what she has written down. On monday we opened up to her about how we feel she is being left out, and we don't want her to feel that way. Then she told us about how she has always been really introverted, and just choosing to go on a mission was hard for her. Hermana Richardson and I basically bore our testimonies to her that we know that the Lord will make weak things strong! She says she is still working on it and Hermana and I are trying our best to keep her included.
On Tuesday, I was SOO tired. I basically fell asleep 3 times during class, and again during the devotional. I haven't been doing my best at asking for the Lord's help, but then on Wednesday I did and it was amazing the difference that I have felt since then!
On Wednesday we got new Hermanas in our room! We are super sad that Hermana Mattson and Morgan have left us but we have been joined by 3 sisters who are headed to Lubbok, Texas. They will only be here for 3 weeks then we will get new ones!

I am so excited for the weeks head!! Things will only get better, and I cannot wait!! Thank you Holly for the amazing pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and letters from cousins! Thank you everyone for your love and prayers! I love you guys so much and can't wait till I get to hear your sweet voices!!


Hermana Lancaster

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